Geriatric society visits senior homes
THE recently formed Geriatric Society of TT (GSTT) visited ten geriatric homes in north and east Trinidad to donate hampers and interact with residents. The volunteers chatted with residents, sang carols and delivered food, fans, blankets, towels, dinner plates and tea sets, a media release said. The managers of the homes expressed appreciation for the donations and hoped the group continues its efforts to bring other needed services to the homes. The GSTT said it plans to expand its membership, collaborate with relevant sectors to assist in advocating for improved services for the elderly, organise fairs and lectures across the nation on issues impacting the health and wellbeing of the aged. It said particular emphasis will be placed on health, legal and banking issues and technical education as the nation ushers in a paperless society. The organisation also also thanked donors who contributed to its outreach including, U. Williams Ltd, Bermudez, Caricom Impacs and Ingrid Caraciciola for personal contribution to food hampers. Anyone wishing to help the GSTT can donate to its bank account: Geriatric Society of Trinidad and Tobago # 340802148601 Republic Bank, Ellerslie Plaza Phone: 7120099 email: ttgeriatrics@gmail. corn Members of the Geriatric Society of TT with a resident at the Golden Eon Senior citizen Accommodation Maracas, St Joseph.