Guardian ( Trinidad and Tobago ) 04 April 2024 ( Page 16 )
Gov't launches new financial institution The T&T Mortgage Bank (TTMED was recently launched at the Hyatt Regency, PortofSpain following the merger of two financial institutions T&T Mortgage Finance (TTMF) and Hume Mortgage Bank (Wit B). The Government and the National Insurance Hoard had ownership stakes in both 'FINE and liMit and will jointly own 'liMB. Minister of Finance Golm imbert who spoke at the launch, said the merger represented a significant milestone for those seeking home ownership, particularly from the low to middleincome backgrounds. The launch of T&T's newest financial institution attracted bankers, businesspeople, company executives and employees of the two merged companies. Property valuators, Bernard Sookoo, left, and Neisha Sookoo. NIB and TTMF chairman, Patrick Ferreira, left, Finance Minister Colm Imbert, and Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank CEO Robert Green. PICT It RFS AMC Al Vic, National Trust, business development and marketing coordinator, Gramme Suite, left, with TTMF assistant general manager, mortgage origination, Kamilah Peterson; Central Bank, business projects administrator, Darryl Frontin and events coordinator Ayanna Frontin. First Citizens Bank, chairman, Anthony Smart, left, Minister In the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Adrian Leonce; attorney Keston McQuilltin, and CMB advertising CEO Mark White. Amcham president Stuart Franco, left, vdth PPGPL president, Dominic Ram persad and U TC executive director, Nigel Edwards.